You will need a track system to secure the liner to the pool. If just want to change your pool completely you have a couple of other options. Fiberglass Vs Vinyl Liner Pool Pros Cons Comparisons And Costs So as soon as you add labor and supplies Saturday March 19 2022 Breaking. . Have you heard of people that convert from gunite to a liner. Item Unit Cost Quantity Line Cost. Most professionals will provide to put in your liner as a part of a bundle deal that features labor and supplies. Heres the problem with this method it can damage and weaken the structure of the pool. When you put a vinyl liner in a concrete pool this is kind of like blowing the motor in your Mercedes so you have a 30 horsepower tractor motor installed instead because it is cheaper. The above commenters are correct it will cost you at least. With 6 x 6 tile border pump filter piping and 120V switch. Gunite Pool Converted Into Vinyl Lin...